This framework contains overarching P Scales for Computing statements (rewritten to reflect the new Computing content in the NC), then individual, more detailed statements for the Digital Literacy, IT and Computer Science strands. You can download a PDF version of the draft framework here: RevisedPScalesComputing_Oct15. They were created by Catherine Elliott, John Galloway, Anne-Marie Medhurst and Sally Paveley (with thanks to the Bridge School), Dec. 2015, together with input from a number of other teachers around the country.

Revised P Scales for Computing by P Scales for Computing Working Party is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
P4 – Pupils intentionally make selections to achieve a familiar outcome. They know that certain actions produce predictable results and that technology can be used to control objects, events and their environment.
Digital Literacy |
Information Technology |
Computer Science |
- Access online content.
- Make an intentional choice between a limited selection of digital resources.
- Intentionally explore digital devices.
- Make something happen intentionally on a digital device.
- Can control a specific element of their environment.
- Recognise that an action produces a predictable result.
- Can follow a single instruction to operate a digital device.
P5 – Pupils make selections in order to explore and access content. They make connections between their actions and what happens on the screen or device.
Digital Literacy |
Information Technology |
Computer Science |
- Identify and access online content.
- Make an intentional choice between a selection of digital resources or devices.
- Use technology to explore and access content.
- Select basic options within a familiar application.
- Respond to on-screen cues to make something happen.
- Know they can use technology to control things around them.
- Follow an instruction when operating a range of digital devices.
- Recognise the success or failure of an action.
P6 – Pupils identify and operate digital devices independently for familiar tasks. They show they understand that digital information and media can be accessed repeatedly. They can give and respond to simple instructions to control digital devices.
Digital Literacy |
Information Technology |
Computer Science |
- Understand that they can access the same content on different devices.
- Recognise that there are different technologies that serve different purposes.
- Identify the appropriate technology from a limited selection to fulfil a task.
- Independently operate a digital device to fulfil a familiar task.
- Create their own simple digital content.
- Choose media from a selection for a given purpose.
- Can follow simple instructions in order to operate digital devices.
- Give an instruction to control a digital device.
- Try another approach if the first doesn’t succeed.
P7 – Pupils find/capture and present information in digital formats. They begin to choose and use digital resources for a given activity. They show they understand that digital information and media can be saved and retrieved. They have an emerging awareness of eSafety.
Digital Literacy |
Information Technology |
Computer Science |
- Can find information on familiar websites.
- Understand that they can create digital content.
- Choose the appropriate technology to fulfil a given task.
- Are aware that some online content is inappropriate.
- Are aware that information can be private or public.
- Use a range of technologies in and out of school.
- Select media to convey information.
- Present information by combining media, with support.
- Demonstrate understanding that information and media can be stored on a digital device.
- Follow a short sequence of instructions to operate a digital device.
- Give simple instructions to control a range of digital devices.
- Understand that digital devices can be controlled in different ways.
- Appreciate that changing instructions can change outcomes.
- Can identify the steps of a known task.
- Try alternative approaches in order to achieve a goal.
P8 – Pupils use digital technology to present their ideas. They search for information and media. Pupils understand how to stay safe online. They can sequence instructions.
Digital Literacy |
Information Technology |
Computer Science |
- Can find information on the internet using a basic search.
- Recognise simple examples of when and why people use technology.
- Understand they can share digital content.
- Understand that digital content can be edited.
- Recognise inappropriate content and know they should tell an appropriate adult.
- Recognise what information should be kept private.
- Independently use a range of technologies for different purposes.
- Present information and ideas by combining media independently.
- Understand that we control digital devices by giving them instructions.
- Independently follow a short sequence of instructions to achieve a specific outcome.
- Can list the steps of a known task in order.
- Creates a short sequence of instructions to control a digital device.
- Change instructions to achieve a different outcome.
- Recognise a problem and attempts to solve it.